“What California needs now is a little bit of hope and a whole lot of grit,” says Democrat Katie Porter in her campaign video announcing her bid to run for California governor.
Sorry Katie, but what we need is a heck of a lot more than “hope” and “grit.”
We need commonsense solutions, not more expensive liberal programs and empty promises.
We’ve had the same liberal/progressive state leadership for over a decade and where has that gotten us?
How about the 3rd highest cost of living in the country as well as the highest state income tax rate to go along with the high electricity rates.
California also has the most people experiencing homelessness in the country, as well as the nation’s highest gas prices and highest gas taxes.
Hope and Grit Katie? No, I want solutions, not platitudes. We need a new direction for the state, not the same old Liberal policies that have created this mess.
Chas Hamann, Yorba Linda